R�dr�ven / The Red Fox |
1998, 2000, 2002, 2003 |
Lennart och hans kompisar s�g
en r�dr�v p� Gammlia friluftsmuseet en ljuvlig sommarnatt. H�ruppe
�r det ju bara skymning kring midsommar. Och det �r d� djuren r�r
sig ute i naturen.
Lennart and his friends saw a red fox |
Vi bor n�ra
skogen och ett friluftsmuseum. Vintern 1998 fanns det en r�dr�v i
skogen som ibland �ven vandrade runt p� friluftsmuseet. Min son,
Lennart tog bilder av den h�r r�ven
We are living near the woods and near an open air museum. Winter 1998 a red fox moved in into the woods. My son, Lennart took these pictures of the fox |
En av v�ra grannar var p� v�g till bussh�llplatsen och s�g r�ven g� �ver
gatan. r�ven gick till bussh�lplatsen och stannade d�r ett tag. Det
s�g ut som om den ville ta bussen ;) Men d� r�kade en hund i ett
tr�dg�rd sk�lla och r�ven blev r�dd och sprang bort.
A neighbour was on her way to the bus stop in our street. Then she saw the red fox crossing our street. The fox went to the bus stop and it seemed it should stay there waiting for the bus ;) But then a dog was barking in one of the gardens and the fox run away. |
Min son var en
natt ute och p� v�g hem fr�n en Valentin fest. D� stod r�ven p�
trottoaren vid trafikljuset. Kanske r�ven beh�vde hj�lp att trycka
p� knappen s� ljuset skulle bli gr�nt ;)
My son saw the fox late at night at Valentine. He was on his way home from a party. The fox walked slowly on the sidewalk to the traffic light at the corner in our street. Maybe the fox needed somebody to help pushing the bottom of the traffic light so it would turn to green? ;) |
I juni hade min
som grillparti med n�gra kompisar p� friluftsmuseets omr�de. d� kom
r�ven fram och tigade mat. Pojkarna matade den och r�ven var inte alls
r�dd f�r dem.
In June my son and his friend went till Gammlia open air museum to a barbecue. Then the fox came to the boys in hope to get some food. And the boys fed the fox and the fox was not afraid for them. |
Sedan vandrade
r�ven bort men kom tillbaka senare. Men d� bar den p� en f�gel. Inte
kul f�r den f�gel.
The fox walked away but came back later and then it was carrying a bird in its mouth. Later a neighbour told that there was a fox with puppies in the wood. But we dont know if it was this fox. |
2003. Bilden p� den h�r
r�ven p� skansen i Stockholm fick jag av en kompis. Jag hade sj�lv
varit p� Skansen men d� var inte r�ven framme s� det var kul att f�
den h�r bilden till men r�vsamling
A red fox at the Skansenansen zoo. I got this picture from a friend |
R�dr�v i Lycksele djurpark.
Jag tog bilden �r 2002
Redfox att the Lycksele Zoo. I took this picture 2002 |
Det h�r �r en tam r�v. En
familj hittade den �vergiven i skogen och tog han om den. Men den kunde
inte stanna i d�r och d� tog djurparken hand om den.
This is a tame fox. People found it in the woods, left on it's own to die. They took home the fox and cared for it But they could not have a wild fox at home and gave it to the zoo. When the zoo keeper comes with the food, this fox came to him and took the food from his hand |
Den h�r r�ven tittade nyfiken
p� mig n�r jag fotograferade. Lycksele djurpark 2002
This fox was looking curious at me when I took the picture. Lycksele Zoo 2002 |
Nu �r jag tr�tt och skall
sova. Go' natt!
Now I am tired and want to sleep Good night! |
Jag tog den h�r
bilden med r�vungarna �r 2000 i Lycksele djurpark
I took this picture of these two fox cubs att the zoo in Lycksle in the summer 2000 |
Skall vi dansa? Do you want to dance :-) |
De �r mycket
They are real cute? |
Wilhelmina Schedin 2020-11-11 |