Foxy and the geese part 6 2008 |
Me, the Barnacle goose and the
Canada goose. Ove took this picture of me in Finland. |
2008-08-24. I walked to the Mariehem pond again. It was a wonderful early Sunday morning. There was no wind. The pond was smooth. And the clouds were reflecting in the water. | |
2008-08-24. I saw this female mallard but the duck did not notice me. | |
2008-08-24. The geese were sleeping in the grass but the tame ducks were awake. | |
2008-08-24. When they saw me coming with the food bag they came running to me. | |
2008-08-24. Then the geese awoke and they came to me honking loudly. | |
2008-08-24. The male Skåne goose and a white goose at the left. | |
2008-08-24. All got food. The Canada goose was also there. |
2008-08-24. After it the Barnacle goose came running to me. | |
2008-08-24. Of course he got food too. | |
2008-08-24. And he liked the food. He looks beautiful. | |
2008-08-24. The tame ducks also got food. | |
2008-08-24. Here the Canada goose was waiting for more food. | |
2008-08-24. The Skåne geese were looking at each other. | |
2008-08-24. This duck was preening. | |
2008-08-24. I saw this strange duck. It's dark brown and the beak is light yellow. | |
2008-08-24. The strange duck in the pond. | |
2008-08-24. The male Skåne goose and at the right the head of the Barnacle goose. | |
2008-08-24. The Barnacle goose was following me. Here you can see that he was ringed when he came to the farm. | |
2008-08-24. Standing and waiting for food. | |
2008-08-24. The Barnacle goose and 3 magpies. The magpies found the crumbs that the ducks and geese left. | |
2008-08-24. The crow also got food. | |
2008-08-24. A heap of reed on the edge of the Mariehem pond. Now I will tell how this came on land. | |
2008-08-14. After I came back from vacation I saw a lot of reed in the pond at Campus. It was the same in the pond at Mariehem. | |
2008-08-15. Reed in the pond at Campus. | |
2008-08-22. That day there came a kind of "boat" that went weeding the reed. I never had seen this kind of vehicle before. | |
2008-08-22. The boat also could run on land it had a kind of "creep band" and could easy ride up from the water on land. The pictures of the machine are taken at the Campus pond. | |
2008-08-22. This machine also could rake the reed and throw up it on land. Later an common tractor came and took the heaps away. Observer the 2 ducks between the flag pole and the tree. They were so scared and did not want to come to me and get food. | |
2008-08-24. They did weed the reed
at the Mariehem pond too. But here they had not taken away the heaps
of reed yet. There were many birds eating grass, but also my bread. |
2008-08-24. Here he is again the Male goose who happened to pinch in my leg by accident. But he did not pinch anymore :) | |
2008-08-24. Resting in the grass. | |
2008-08-24. The Skåne geese couple. | |
2008-08-24. The Barnacle goose and the Canada goose eating my bread. It was so pretty that they always were together. | |
2008-08-24. A young duck in the water. | |
2008-08-24. I had to go home again and said goodbye to the birds. | |
2008-08-24. Now it was windy and the pond was rippled | |
2008-08-24. The pond and the geese in the distance. | |
2008-08-24. I looked up and saw
the moon shining pale in the day light. And the sun was shining on
the other side. I wrote this poem while walking:
Enjoying a walk |
2008-08-24. I walked back in the wonderful fields. | |
2008-08-24. A nice yellow house | |
2008-08-24. A white dog rose and rose hip. | |
2008-08-24. When I came home there were flowers on the table. They had these flowers on the conference at Ove’s work. After it they gave them to the staff who had worked with the conference. | |
2008-08-24. A wonderful rose. | |
Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-03 |