winter adventures
 Part 19
End of the winter, beginning of the spring.
2012-04-01. Me, Dark olive Foxy in the snow.
2012-03-29. But first back to this date. There was hope that the spring was coming. I made a walk by the river.
2012-03-29. The ice on the river was breaking. The whole path and the hill on the right was free from snow.
2012-03-29. I found blue anemones in the dry grass. That made me happy.
2012-03-29. And 2 ducks were mating.
2012-03-29. It was wonderful that the path was free from snow.
2012-03-29. I found wood anemones.
2012-03-29. A close-up picture of a wood anemone.
2012-03-29. There were several ducks on the river.
2012-03-29. How I loved it to see the ducks again.
2012-03-29. But then it suddenly started hailing. Hail on my hood. I was hidden in it.
2012-03-29. But soon the shower was over. It was rather cold but I kept warm in my jacket.
2012-03-29. The path.
2012-03-29. The river.
2012-03-29. The bridge in town.
2012-03-29. Scilla by the river.
2012-03-31. I made a walk at Gammlia and in the woods by Gammlia. Now there was more bare ground in the woods.

This day I got a new friend who I met inside in the museum named "Västerbottens Museum". The new friend made me happy.

2012-04-01. Is this an April fool joke? No it was real. It started snowing like crazy!
2012-04-01. I went to the trash house and had to walk in deep snow.
2012-04-01. There came a lot of snow.
2012-04-01. The cars went snowed over.
2012-04-01. And the trash house was snowed over VERY much. The door was blocked and I had to take the trash home again.
2012-04-02. We went to town. There was still a lot of snow. But this market place has heaters under the ground. I'm standing by an Easter tree with egg made of cardboard and painted feathers.
2012-04-07. They were selling flowers on the market place. Pansies that can stand the cold and small daffodils in flowers pots.
2012-04-07. I met the Easter Bunny in a store.
2012-04-08. Easter: I made a walk at Gammlia.
2012-04-08. There was still a lot of snow in the woods.
2012-04-08. Snow in the woods.
2012-04-08. Snow in the woods.
2012-04-08. Snow in the woods.
2012-04-08. Snow at Gammlia.
2012-04-028. This is the pond at Gammlia. Ice on the water and snow on the ice.
2012-04-12. I went to the flower shop. It not the spring wasoutside I needed to find it inside in the flower shop. Me smiling in the mirror.
2012-04-12. They had wonderful flowers.
2012-04-12. These pictures are taken indoors in the flowershop.
2012-04-14. I bought this kalanschoe in the flower shop.
2012-04-15. We had good food. Reindeer meat, bacon and potato stew. And Rowanberry jelly to the meat.
2012-04-15. I find these crocus in the garden beside the front door of our house.
2012-04-15. On the yard were some spots of bare ground. There I found tussilago (coltsfoot).
2012-04-15. The yard looked like this. Most snow and not so much bara ground.
2012-04-15. But near a house wall I found snow drops.
2012-04-15. Some buds.
2012-04-15. I found more crocus.
2012-04-15. There was still a lot of snow by the play ground.
2012-04-15. the buds had not burst. It was too cold yet.
2012-04-15. This will be daffodils later laer.
2012-04-15. Lennart visited us. Ove took a picture of Lennart and me. Lennart had a new hooded jacket on.
2012-04-15. Lennart has been to New York and he bought a present for me. A little snow globe.
2012-04-16. I made a walk in the part of town that is named: "East of town". There the climate is warmer and I found flowers in shelter by different house walls.
2012-04-16. Scilla.
2012-04-16. Crocus.
2012-04-16. Daffodils.
2012-04-16. Crocus.
2012-04-16. Crocus.
2012-04-16. A lot of snowdrops.
2012-04-16. Crocus.
2012-04-16. Crocus.
2012-04-16. Crocus.
2012-04-16. A cargo train was passing.
2012-04-16. I walked to the edge of the woods. Still a lot of snow in the woods.
2012-04-17. Oh no! Now it started to snow again!
2012-04-17. Everything went white again.
2012-04-17. It was snowing like crazy!
2012-04-17. Still using my dark olive winter jacket.
I bought a Greenland summer jacket  2011-04-18. Then all snow was gone  and my new Green Foxy could begin with the spring and summer adventures. And now (2012) there was no spring.
2012-04-18. Now it is one year ago I bought this jacket. But now there is still a lot of snow.
2012-04-18. Much snow on the balcony railing.
2012-04-18. Much snow on the cars.
2012-04-18. Much snow in the street.
2012-04-18. I took a walk in the woods by Gammlia It was Much snow in the street. in the woods.
2012-04-18. Green Foxy walking in the magical woods. But it was April and still no spring.
Green Foxy needed take the bus south and search for the spring. On the picture: Green Foxy in the bus.
Should Green Foxy find the spring and bring it home?

Will be continued in the next story.

2016-03-04 Wilhelmina Schedin