winter adventures
 Part 8
A walk to the ducks, a walk on the yard and I met the dog Cassi again.
2012-01-31. Me Red Riding Hood walking in the woods in the snow.
But first to 2012-01-29. I took a walk in the twilight on the yard.
2012-01-29. There is much snow on the small parking lots. The snow plow has not been here yet.
2012-01-29. It's getting darker and the light on the play ground is on.
2012-01-29. But we can't reach the play ground anymore. The snow is too deep.
2012-01-29. The swings are snowed over
2012-01-29. The condo installed light on the ground. Silly to have this in Norrland there the snow is so deep. But when it's a little warmer, the snow is melting and it looks like a crater.
2012-01-29. Many bikes they leave be outside are snowed over.
2012-01-29.  Telephoto lens picture of our apartment. Vi still have the small lights in the windows.
2012-01-29. The over snowed working place of the balcony workers. They made a little path by walking there. 
2012-01-30. This bike has almost disappeared under the snow.
2012-01-30. This looks dangerous. The snow can fall from the roof and hit you. I did not walk under it.
2012-01-30. The moon was shining. At the right on the picture: A part of a tree with snow.
2012-01-30.  A little path.
2012-01-30. The kindergarten.
2012-01-30. I love it when the snow sticks on the trunks of the trees.
2012-01-30. My favourite fir trees again. I took pictures of these trees in different light on different days.
2012-01-30. Red Riding Hood on her way to the woods.
2012-0-31. And then the "wolf" came to the woods too :) The dog Cassi also was walking in the snow. :-) She was waving her tail when she saw me.
2012-0-31. Cassi's mom dare to climb over the snow hill. And of course it was easy for Cassi to climb the hill.
2012-0-31. A proud Cassi sitting on the top of the hill.
2012-02-01. Ove was waiting for the bus.
2012-02-01. I took a walk to the ducks and fed them.
2012-02-01. In this pond by the hospital the water is always open. Because of a creek goes under the hospital.
2012-02-01. People use to go and feed them.
2012-02-01. When it's cold the ducks stay in the water there it's warmer. It was -20 degrees Celsius that day.
2012-02-01. I met the ducks who I use to call for Quack-quack. He is sounding like that. He was eating out of my hand.
2012-02-01. Only a little bit left.
2012-02-01. Begging for more.
2012-02-01. Now the female duck that I call for Quackely also wanted my food.
2012-02-01. Hungry ducks on the ground eating the food.
2012-02-01. Look there is a little bit bread left.
2012-02-01. Ducks on the ground waiting for food.
2012-02-01. The jackdaws also were hungry.
2012-02-01. Jackdaws eating bread.
2012-02-01. He wants more. The other duck at te left could not reach my hand. Because Quack-quack was too dominant.
2012-02-01. Many ducks in the water.
2012-02-01. The male ducks are beautiful with their green heads.
2012-02-01. More food to the ducks on the ground.
2012-02-01. Quack-quack and Quackely were talking together. Maybe about planning for ducklings in the spring. But it's still too cold for mating.
This reminded me about summer when Quackely showed me her ducklings. I took this picture 2009-05-03.
2012-02-01. The ducks are queuing  up for food :-)
2012-02-01. More hungry ducks.
2012-02-01. Both eating from the same hand.
2012-02-01. These started a fight.
2012-02-01. Quack-quack was the winner.
2012-02-01. I also fed the ducks in the water.
2012-02-01. The ducks are not standing on the ground when it's very cold.. They are sitting on their feathers and have fold their legs inside the feathers.
2012-02-01. The ducks were begging a man for food.
2012-02-01. The ducks got ice drops on their feathers because of the cold
2012-02-01. When I walked around the pond, the ducks went following me in the water :-)
2012-02-01. Here you can see the frozen water drops on the duck.
2012-02-01. Duck with frozen drops on his feathers.
2012-02-01. Males
2012-02-01. Females.
When I worked I had very near this pond and then I went to the ducks a little while almost every lunch. This picture taken 2009-01-07. Then it was very cold and there were a lot of ducks in the water.
Here they were on land  and were eating the food that I sprinkled on the ground. Picture taken 2009-09-02.
Here all were following me. This looks so funny :-)
Picture taken 2009-02-02.
This duck had injured his leg and could not walk so fast. The others who walked faster got the food and he did not get anything. But he could fly! And when I held up the food he flied up and took it out of my hand. Later he learned to do this as soon he saw me.
This duck was always begging me for food and biting in my trousers. I called him "The trousers biting duck". He was so funny.:-)
At 2008-01-04, I  found a barnacle goose by the pond. He should have moved. I fed him and he understood he could get food from me. I tried to feed him on a way so the ducks could not take the food. The ducks were faster. But I understood he should not survive in the cold and with ducks who took the food.

I called a man who has geese of his own. It took a while but at least he went to the pond andhe  took the barnacle geese home to the farm. There he got food and caring.

The whole story is here.

In the year 2010 the farmer took the barnacle goose with his own goose to the Mariehem pond. There he got a wonderful summer and became a friend with the Canada goose who the farmer also had cared for. The Barnacle goose and the Canada goose were always going together.

My first meeting with the barnacle goose after the winter 2010

My last meeting with the barnacle goose autumn 2010

2012-02-02. Finally the snow plow came to make the workers place clean.
2012-02-02. The also made a path on the other side so the workers do not deed to go in deep snow anymore.
2012-02-02. Sunset
2012-02-02. Sunset.
2012-02-03. Ove in town in his dark green Fjällräven Arctic jacket.
2012-02-03. Ove walking in a park that is placed in the middle of the street.
2012-02-03. In this park I was looking at flowers in summer. Now there are only walls of snow on the side of the path.
Rödluvan (Red Riding Hood" is still walking in the snow and on her way to new adventures.
2022-09-03 Wilhelmina Schedin