Rödluvan has a guardian angel

Friday March 5, 2006

I was on my way into the building there I'm living. I was almost by the front door, and then I heard:


A lot of snow was falling down on the stones in front of the door. There is normally no snow because there is electric heating under these stones.

I was checking out where the snow and ice came from. On this place there was no dangerous roof with snow that could come down.

Then it sounded BOOM!  CRASH! again and more snow and ice came down.

Big bits of ice.
What should have happened if I had been under this?
I found out where the snow came from. It came from the big outside window frames. The sun was shining on this side of the house and was melting the snow. Then it became ice and later it felt down.

It was not snow from the roof, it was from the window frame. Most of it had fallen down but there was still snow up there.

I took this picture 2009-12 12 when it was snowing much. It's our kitchen window. But here are no people passing. The ground under this window is snowed over and you can’t walk there.
Here another window frame taken from the outside. 2010-01-01. As it was cold the snow never felt down from the window frames.

I learned that you never shall walk near houses that have a lot of snow on the roof in "spring-winter" but did not know that there was so much snow and ice on these window frames.

Thanks to the good Lord that He sent a guardian angel. What should have happened if I just had been walking there.
Wilhelmina Schedin 2016-03-06