Foxy to the zoo
part 5

The tiger

2005, 2004, 2006, 1988
A happy Foxy with the Frösö Zoo. 2005-07-12. I liked tigers. (Panthera tigris)  But the tigers behind me are sculptures.

Part 1. Tigers in the Frösö Zoo. 2005

A tiger looking at me.
Walking around in the cage. This tiger is beautiful.
Lying in the high grass.
This tiger was thirsty.
The same thirsty tiger.
Another thirsty tiger is coming.
Drinking water.
Ha, ha, ha! :-D
Me standing by the tiger cage. Behind the warinng sign is a tiger hiding in the grass.
The back of a tiger. :)
The tigers were so near me. They were breathing hard. This was scary.
I was glad to be on the other side of the cage.
A tiger very near me.
More tiger-walking and tiger breathing.
Here you can see 3 of the 4 tigers.
Growl to you Foxy ! :-)                         Growl to you tiger :-D
The print of a tiger paw
Tiger feet. The song group named Mud is singing: "I like your tiger feet". ABBA has a song named "I'm the tiger".
They have wonderful tiger sculptures in the entrance of the zoo.
A closer picture of a tiger sculpture.
This sculpture was real cute.
I bought this soft toy tiger in the Frösö zoo. Here it's sitting on my pillow in the hotel room.
I have a tiger on the sofa! But this is only a stuffed toy tiger, he, he. :-)

Part 2. Kålmårdens Zoo. 2004

On Thursday August 5, 2005 I saw this tiger in the Kolmården Zoo. It looked impressive.

På torsdagen den 5 augusti 2004 såg jag den här tigern i Kolmårdens djurpark. Den ser imponerade ut.                             Foto: Ove Schedin

The tiger is a beautiful animal.

Tigern är ett mycket vackert djur.

They had 4 Siberian tigers. Here 3 of them on the picture.

De hade 4 st. Sibiriska tigrar där. Har dock bara fått med 3 tigrar samtidigt på bild.

You can see the tiger reflection in the water.

Här syns tigerns spegelbild så vackert i vattnet.

They had 4 tigers. 2 young male and 2 young female.

De 4 tigrar var 2 unga hannar och 2 unga honor.    Foto: Ove Schedin

The name of the females were  Kalispare och Taisha. The name of the males were Kazan och Timur.

Tigerhonorna heter: Kalispare och Taisha. Tigerhannarna heter: Kazan och Timur.

2 tigers walking together.

Här vandrar 2 tigrar tillsammans.                               Foto: Ove Schedin

It was fun to look at these magnificent animals. I did not want to go and was a very long time with the tigers.

Det var så roligt att få se detta ståtliga djur. Jag kunde nästan inte gå därifrån och minst hälften av tiden jag var i djurparken tillbringade jag med tigrarna.                                  Foto: Ove Schedin

The tiger did not care of the heath. They were walking and in good condition.

Tigrarna brydde sig inte om att det var varmt. De bara vandrade på.
Foto: Ove Schedin

The tigers liked to go by the water.

Tigrarna tyckte det var kul att gå på på stenkanten.

No, now it's enough I will go and rest a while.

Nej, ja har jag gått tillräckligt jag skall gå och dra mig tillbaka en stund.

Soon the zoo keeper should open the door behind the tigers and feed them inside the house.

Nu skulle tigrarna snart få mat och det skulle de få inne i tigerhuset. Snart skulle djurskötaren öppna luckan som syns i bakgrunden.
Foto: Ove Schedin

After they got food and had eaten they could go out again.

Tigrarna fick visserligen mat inomhus men de fick sedan gå ut igen om de ville det.

It's important to protect the wild tigers. We could give money for saving the tigers. Of course I gave money!

Det är viktig att tigrarna skyddas. Djurskötaren hade insamling för bevarandet av vilda tigrar. Självklart skänkte jag en slant.
Foto: Ove Schedin

Here a tiger is watching the door. When it opens the tigers will get food.

Tigern tittar mot luckan som snart skall öppnas snart, och då blir det ju mat.

Such a funny tail.

Vilken fin svans!

This tiger is taking a bath. It was rather hot that day.

Här badar en tiger. Det var ganska varmt den dagen så det var nog skönt för tigern att komma i vattnet.

They  feed the tigers in this house.

Tigrarna skulle matas inomhus i Tigerhuset.

Now they have got food. A female is lying up there.

Nu har de fått mat. Här ligger en av honorna på en hylla i tigerhuset och äter.

The other female is lying on another shelf

Här ligger den andra hona och åter på en annan hylla som är lite högre.

This is a male and he was eating on the highest place in the cage.

Hannarna ville helst ligga på de utbuktande hyllorna som var rätt höga.

The female shows her tail He, he, "I've got a tiger by the tail" :-)

Nu har den här hona ätit klart och visar upp sin fina svans. Man kunde nästan ta i svansen. "I've got a tiger by the tail, he, he, he :=)


Part 3. Junsele Zoo. 2006
These pictures are taken of a friend of mine.
But some day I hope to go there too.

A common tiger and a white tiger.
This white tiger is not stripy.
Such a cute white tiger.
One more picture of the 2 cute white tigers.
I got this soft white tiger from a friend in the USA.

Part 4. Borås Zoo. 1988

Tigers in the Borås zoo. Some of these tigers were children of Jan Lindblads tigers.

Tiger i Borås Djurpark. Några av dessa tigrar var barn till Jan Lindblads tigrar.

They were indoors in the tiger house. The bars are not so nice but this was the only way to see the tigers.

De var inomhus då och jag fick tyvärr gallret med. Men jag ville i alla fall ha dem på min hemsida för tigrar är ett av mina favoritdjur.

This tiger was curious and looking at Ove and me. It was so cute. But I was glad to be on the other side of the bars.

Den här tigern tittade på på Ove mig. Den var otrolig söt. Men jag var glad att vara på andra sidan av gallret.

This tiger said: "GROWL!

"Tigrarna blev matade och då blev det ju lite morrande i buren ;)

Another tiger looking at us. And I was wondering if it are we who are looking at the tigers or if it are the tigers who are looking at us. I thinks it is both. :-)

En till tiger som blev intresserad av att komma till oss. Man kan fråga sig. Är det vi som kommer för att se på tigrarna eller är det tigrarna som kommer för att se på oss människor. :-)

Wilhelmina Schedin. 2016-03-05